Coaching Girls

Does your teen struggle with feelings of anxiety, stress, or depression? Do you find it affecting their confidence and self-esteem? Are their problems overwhelming you?

Positively Healthy Coaching has the answer. With the help of our teenage life coaching programs, we are ready to bring change in your teenager's life.

Social anxiety in teens is very common. However, after completing the teen program, they'll have the mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual tools they need to be happy, healthy, and confident.

Sometimes coaching the parent is the best approach. A teenager may not be ready to work with a coach, or maybe the parent just needs extra support to offload some of the overwhelming emotions. We understand that social anxiety in teenage girls can get a lot to handle, but don't lose hope! Our adolescent life coaching is the solution to your problems.

Let’s face it. Growing up is challenging enough as it is. And today, teens are finding it more and more difficult with the effects of elevated peer pressure and social media.

Not only are their peers hard on them, their own inner critic gets louder all the time, making it feel impossible to turn it off and get ahead.  Bullying is on the rise, as are mental health issues, depression and suicide. 

With all they have to deal with, it’s no wonder they’re struggling. We haven’t exactly equipped them with a toolkit to help them cope with this increased stress and anxiety. 

Their attitude is affected by their thoughts and health habits. Not eating well, sleeping well, or keeping healthy habits in general can have a huge effect on their attitude, behavior, grades, performance, and more. In addition, research shows that elevated stress levels can negatively affect their immune function, digestion, sleep, memory needed for learning, focus, mood, and more … all things busy teens need.

Working with us through one-on-one coaching can help your teenager get back on track and give you peace of mind. You and your teen will get the tools and resources to help navigate through all the constant changes with more ease and grace.


Achieve a Healthier Identity Using a Holistic View

Change is hard. It’s human nature. Most teenagers feel ambivalent about their mental state and health habits. You may want them to change—heck, they may want to change, yet they may also have reasons to stay the same. 

In order to achieve a positive change, we must first examine their thoughts and feelings. Consider it a mindset shift … or reset. By exploring their goals, dreams and things they want to make happen in their lives, we can help them make a mindset shift to move in a positive direction. 

Most coaches who work with teens are only trained in life coaching. By using a more holistic view, we’re able to incorporate the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of health and wellness to better decrease stress and improve self-esteem. These four pillars of wellness are connected, so working with each part of your teen offers a synergistic effect to create positive lasting change.



She’ll get nurtured, feel empowered, be able to face her reality, take action, and get results. ✿ She’ll get nurtured, feel empowered, be able to face her reality, take action, and get results. ✿ She’ll get nurtured, feel empowered, be able to face her reality, take action, and get results. ✿ She’ll get nurtured, feel empowered, be able to face her reality, take action, and get results. ✿ She’ll get nurtured, feel empowered, be able to face her reality, take action, and get results.


  • You’ll notice immediate improvements in your teenager’s communication, mood, and happiness. Our clients tend to love using the mindset tools given to them and want to start teaching the whole family what they’ve learned! All the tools and techniques will be something they can continue to use throughout their entire life.

  • We meet teens virtually in weekly 55-minute sessions. We will co-create a plan specific to their needs. We will measure progress along the way and adjust the plan as needed. In addition, parent(s) get monthly coaching sessions so they’re aware of what their teen is learning and help enforce their transition.

  • To alleviate the stress of parenting a teenager and to find solutions to reoccurring problems, parent coaching can be the best fit for your family. There are times when a teenager isn’t ready for a coach, so coaching the parent is the way to go. This can be done in 55 minutes sessions, weekly, bi-weekly or monthly.

  • Therapy is an ongoing process of exploring pain and emotional wounds. Coaching is results-based. It has a specific start and end with ways to monitor and measure success. Therapy is the right fit for addressing trauma and diagnosable mental health concerns; teen coaching works for taking action and giving new resources and tools to improve their life so they can feel happier and more empowered quicker and easier.

Download your FREE copy of “How to Help Your Teen Deal with Stress and Anxiety.”

Ready for Your Teenager to
Make a Change?

It’s time to stop wondering if this is right for them and start helping them take control of their mind and body. Because when they’re in good health, the rest of their life will be as well.  

Let’s get to work on her lifestyle factors such as: mindset, healthy diet, exercise and movement, stress management and sleep habits.