I'm a Teen & Parent Well-Being Coach who a passionate about helping teens and parents thrive.

I specialize in guiding teenagers toward a path of self-discovery, self-esteem, and resilience. I'm here to help them navigate life's challenges and social skills with confidence and purpose.

I help parents find the balance of supportive parenting versus overparenting. I help them set healthy boundaries with their teens, teach positive communication techniques, and provide other tools and strategies to help them strengthen their bond with their teens.


Quick Facts

  • From the American College of Education, which equipped me with the tools to help others with healthy life choices.

  • I’m able to help where doctors leave off through goals, lifestyle management, diet and exercise.

  • I can help with everything from ADHD, anxiety and depression to weight issues, mood and sleep disorders.

  • I’m well versed in being able to encode an individual with the proper beliefs and behaviors to produce the results they want to achieve.

  • I can help people find resilience through practical day-to-day applications that ignite passion and inspire better performance. I earned a HeartMath® Clinical Certification for Stress, Anxiety and Self Regulation

  • Through its partnership with the National Board of Medical Examiners, the NBHWC establishes professional standards for health coaching and measures the competencies and skills coaches need to be effective.

  • From the Academy of Cognitive and Behavioral Neuroscience with Dr. Hayley Nelson

  • Abigail, Drew, George and Annabelle (ages 10-14) keep me busy with all their activities and antics.

  • Whether it’s playing tennis, golfing, hiking, strength training, Pilates, or walking. It’s important to overall health and well-being.

  • This is why I do what I do. It’s my purpose. Helping others is what lights my soul on fire.


When your teen needs a confidence or self-esteem boost … when stress and anxiety seem to be unmanageable, Positively Healthy Coaching’s unique approach can help transform your teenager and your home.

Our vision…

is to empower the rising generation of teenagers in the face of a hyper-competitive and often unsupportive cultural landscape, marked by unrealistic and unhealthy standards. We are driven by a commitment to coach and guide teens, fostering within them a foundation of positive, healthy, and resourceful beliefs, thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. This enables them to flourish as their authentic and best selves, regardless of the challenges they encounter.

Our passion for this specific audience is ignited by a profound realization that contemporary society often falls short in safeguarding their well-being and nurturing their potential. This is where we step in. With a unique blend of expertise that includes functional medicine health coaching and a Master's degree in Health and Wellness Education, we recognize the urgency to provide the guidance, support, and empowerment that today's teens deserve.

As the founder, I am driven by a resolute conviction that I am the catalyst for the change these teenagers need. Positively Healthy Coaching is the embodiment of this mission—an endeavor to illuminate the path towards authentic self-discovery, resilience, and well-being. Together, we are paving the way for a generation of teenagers who stand empowered, equipped, and inspired to thrive in an often challenging world.

Our mission…

is to empower teenagers and parents by providing them with essential tools for personal growth, fostering resilience, instilling self-certainty, and cultivating love, respect, kindness for self and others, establishing healthy boundaries, and promoting positive communication. We are dedicated to guiding individuals towards becoming the best versions of themselves, navigating life's challenges with confidence. Our vision is for every teen and parent to wholeheartedly embrace and unleash their fullest potential.

We recognize the challenges of navigating life's demands and complexities, especially in the ever-changing landscape of raising teens.

Our approach is grounded in guiding individuals towards holistic well-being, encompassing mental, emotional, physical, social, and spiritual aspects. By fostering conscious living and advocating self-prioritization, we equip you with the tools to cultivate a positive connection with yourself. This self-empowerment not only enhances your own life but ripples out to create positive impacts on your relationships and the world around you.

Through our coaching, we believe that you can achieve a harmonious balance between self-care and nurturing connections with others. Our mission is to be your steadfast companion on this transformative journey, helping you unlock your true potential and discover the joy of living your best life while making a meaningful difference in the lives of your loved ones.

My Story

I didn't set out to be a life coach for teens and parents, quite honestly. I took a career coaching course, and it matched up perfectly with my passions, gifts, and personality. Health and psychology have always interests of mine. As a mom with four kids, I went back to school, got a Master’s degree in Health and Wellness Education and multiple certifications in life coaching, health coaching and cognitive and behavioral neuroscience.

Then, one day, a friend of mine reached out for help with her teenage daughter, and I knew this was my calling.

She shared that her daughter was struggling … trying to be a perfectionist in everything she did. It was an all or nothing deal for her. Her appearance, her weight, her grades, even her popularity. It eventually caught up with her. She wasn’t eating well, wasn’t sleeping well, she had low self-image, and wasn’t very productive as she spent countless hours scrolling aimlessly on social media. Not surprisingly, her confidence was shot.

She didn’t just need physical support. She needed a whole mindset shift. 

I was able to step in and provide life coaching for my friend’s daughter. I’m happy to report she’s doing much better now. Her grades are up, she’s eating healthier, getting more sleep, and making new friends.

All this coincided with the national mental health crisis erupting in teens during the pandemic and crisis in my own family.

I knew I was meant to help teens as I remember my own struggles of feeling insecure and struggling with self-worth and self-doubt since middle school. These feelings followed me into adulthood which caused to me make choices I wouldn’t have made had I felt more self-certainty and self-confidence. I have since learned my value in this world and how to love myself.

Connecting all these dots together, I realized it’s not just the teens who are struggling, it’s also their parents. Sometimes it’s more beneficial to coach the parents of teens because they are the support system AND primary role models for their teens. Moms who are confident in themselves and their parenting are more likely to have kids who are confident in themselves and their abilities.

I now enjoy life coaching both parents and tweens through young adults - both boys and girls.


Helping Teenagers Find Optimal Wellness

Achieving overall wellness takes a combination of several components: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. The physical side, of course, consists of a healthy diet and exercise, along with good sleep habits. Mental is mindset and the actual chemicals in one’s brain. Good emotional health is being able to work through emotions productively. And the spiritual side is made up of one’s strengths, values and purpose in life.

At Positively Healthy Coaching, we teach teenagers how to reduce anxiety and boost self-confidence so they can conquer the world and live their best lives. We do this by teaching them neuroencoding, neuroscience, and positive psychology.

Our Values

  • Be curious. 

  • Be kind. 

  • Refrain from judgment. 

  • Empathize. 

  • Provide safety. 

  • Encourage growth. 

  • Empower.



