Coaching boys

Do you feel stressed about your teenage son?
Are you frustrated about his time spent on technology?
Are you worried about his social life or school work?

As a parent, you want the best for your son. You want him to be confident, happy, and successful in life. But as your son grows into a teen or tween, you may find it increasingly difficult to connect with him. Boys tend to be more private than girls, and knowing their thoughts or feelings can be challenging.

As a Teen & Parent Well-Being Coach, I understand the challenges you may be facing. I'm here to offer coaching programs to help teen and tween boys build confidence, resilience, and self-esteem while building communication and personal reflection skills.

Boys face many of the same challenges as girls, including insecurity, stress, pressure, and social comparison. They worry about their bodies, have peer pressure, and struggle to navigate the complexities of growing up. But boys also have their own unique set of challenges, and that's why I've developed tools and resources just for them.

Positively Healthy Boys offers coaching programs tailored to meet teen and tween boys' unique needs. Our programs are based on the latest research in coaching, cognitive and behavioral neuroscience, and positive psychology. They are designed to help boys build the skills and confidence they need to thrive in all aspects of their lives.

Through one-on-one coaching sessions or group workshops, your son will learn how to:

  • Develop a positive self-image

  • Build resilience and coping skills

  • Overcome anxiety and stress

  • Set and achieve goals

  • Develop healthy habits for body & mind

  • Build strong relationships with peers & family

Our approach is fun, engaging, and empowering. We use evidence-based techniques like visualization, meditation, and goal-setting to help your son reach his full potential.

As a mom, you want to see your son succeed in life. And as a Positively Healthy Boys member, he'll receive the expert coaching and support he needs to do just that.

Enrollment is open now, and spaces are limited. Take advantage of this opportunity to give your son the gift of confidence and self-esteem. Schedule a free consult call to learn more, and sign up today.

Together, we can help your son become the best version of himself. 


  • You’ll notice immediate improvements in your teenager’s communication, mood, and happiness. Our clients tend to love using the mindset tools given to them and want to start teaching the whole family what they’ve learned! All the tools and techniques will be something they can continue to use throughout their entire life.

  • We meet teens virtually in weekly 55-minute sessions. We will co-create a plan specific to their needs. We will measure progress along the way and adjust the plan as needed. In addition, parent(s) get monthly coaching sessions so they’re aware of what their teen is learning and help enforce their transition.

  • To alleviate the stress of parenting a teenager and to find solutions to reoccurring problems, parent coaching can be the best fit for your family. There are times when a teenager isn’t ready for a coach, so coaching the parent is the way to go. This can be done in 55 minutes sessions, weekly, bi-weekly or monthly.

  • Therapy is an ongoing process of exploring pain and emotional wounds. Coaching is results-based. It has a specific start and end with ways to monitor and measure success. Therapy is the right fit for addressing trauma and diagnosable mental health concerns; teen coaching works for taking action and giving new resources and tools to improve their life so they can feel happier and more empowered quicker and easier.

Download your FREE copy of “How to Help Your Teen Deal with Stress and Anxiety.”

Ready for Your Teenager to
Make a Change?

It’s time to stop wondering if this is right for them and start helping them take control of their mind and body. Because when they’re in good health, the rest of their life will be as well.  

Let’s get to work on her lifestyle factors such as: mindset, healthy diet, exercise and movement, stress management and sleep habits.