Teen Courses

UGH! Being a teenager these
days is


We know how stressed, anxious, and overwhelmed you are with all the pressure from school, extracurriculars, and social interactions.

This course focuses on the four pillars of wellness: mental/emotional, physical, social, and spiritual.

These four pillars work together to teach teens how to be the best and healthiest version of themselves. It teaches great mind/body habits to implement now and sets them up for a lifetime of wellness which creates the foundation of confidence.

Using neuroscience, positive psychology, and functional medicine this course will reduce stress and boost self-confidence.



Courses ✻



12 Modules:

  1. Stress Management

  2. Positive Identity Creation

  3. Emotional Regulation

  4. Overcoming Anxiety

  5. Convert Negative Thoughts

  6. Mind-Body Practices

  7. Healthy Eating for Brain and Body

  8. Rest and Movement

  9. Brain Health

  10. How to Spend Time in Flow State

  11. Healthy Relationships to Improve Self-Esteem

  12. Discovering Your Superpowers